Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Barack Obama and The Jimmy Carter Label?

There are many stories around the web asking if Barack Obama has shed is Jimmy Carter label.

Did Barack Obama ever deserve a Jimmy Carter label?   Of course not. Obama has never been weak on defense or taking military action.

Two days after Obama when into office US drone attacks into Pakistan increases.  Did cowboy George Bush kill Osama?  No, Obama got Osama.  Now in all fairness, the information that lead to the raid on Obama's compound was developed from a source captured under the Bush Administration.  We should also note that torture didn't get to the truth though.

Obama does take military action but he does it with a minimalist approach.  Which is perfect.  We should avoid using force at all times. I said avoid, I didn't say don't do it.

Jimmy Carter was a much better president than he was given credit for.  If he was so weak, why didn't the Iranian students holding our hostages let the hostages out while he was still in office.  If they had perceived him as weak, I can assure you they would have tired to help him stay in power.

The Jimmy carter label of being weak on defense is not accurate.  Jimmy Carter's presidency failed because of world events and he deserves some blame in that he was unable to delegate.  He is a control freak and he wanted his hands on everything.  He never learned to delegate.  Perhaps his leader ship skills were weak. A strong leader should be able to delegate.

Obama does not deserve that Jimmy Cater label and Jimmy Cater never deserved the label of being weak on defense.

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